
Interim Measures for the Filing and Administration of Horizontal Scientific Research Projects in Hainan Province

第一条 为充分释放科研人员创新活力,完善以信任为前提的科研管理机制,全面提升高等院校、科研院所服务社会经济发展的能力,根据《海南省以超常规手段打赢科技创新翻身仗三年行动方案(2021-2023年)》(琼府办〔2021〕24号),制定本办法。

Article 1 These Measures are formulated to fully release the creativity of scientific researchers, improve the trust-based scientific research management mechanism, and comprehensively enhance the ability of higher education institutions and scientific research institutes to serve the social and economic development, in accordance with the Three-Year Action Plan for Winning the Science and Technology Innovation Battle by Extraordinary Means in Hainan Province (2021-2023) (Qiong Fu Ban [2021] No. 24).

第二条 本办法所称的横向科研项目(以下简称“横向项目”)是指省内高等院校、科研院所(以下简称受托方)通过市场机制,承担企业委托(以下简称委托方)的单项到位经费超过100万元(含)的科研项目,项目内容主要包括技术开发、技术转让、技术服务等。

Article 2 The “Horizontal Scientific Research Projects” (hereinafter referred to as “Horizontal Projects”) in these Measures refer to the scientific research projects each with a total investment of more than 1,000,000 (inclusive) yuan, which are undertaken by colleges, universities, and scientific research institutes (hereinafter referred to as the “the Entrusted Party”) entrusted by enterprises (hereinafter referred to as the “the Entrusting Party”) through the market mechanism. The content of the Horizontal Projects mainly includes technical development, technical transfer, technical service, etc.

第三条 海南省科学技术厅(以下简称省科技厅)负责横向项目的备案管理工作,受托方是横向项目的主体责任单位,负责项目的实施管理和备案推荐工作。

Article 3 The Department of Science and Technology of Hainan Province (hereinafter referred to as the “the Department of Science and Technology”) is responsible for the filing and administration of Horizontal Projects, and the Entrusted Party is the main responsible unit of Horizontal Projects, which undertakes the implementation, management, filing and recommendation of the Horizontal Projects.

第四条 横向项目须签订科研项目合同(协议),合同(协议)条款须符合《中华人民共和国民法典》有关规定。合同(协议)内容涉密的,应按国家有关规定在合同(协议)中约定保密条款,提出保密要求。

Article 4 Scientific research project contracts (agreements) shall be signed for Horizontal Projects, and the terms and conditions of such contracts (agreements) shall conform to the relevant provisions of the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China. For any confidential information involved in the contracts (agreements), a confidentiality clause shall be agreed in the contracts (agreements) in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.

第五条 横向项目以合同(协议)为依据开展科研活动,经费纳入受托方财务统一管理,由受托方按照合同(协议)约定管理使用。

Article 5 Horizontal Projects shall carry out scientific research activities based on contracts (agreements), the relevant funds shall be subject to the unified financial management of the Entrusted Party, and the Entrusted Party shall manage and use the funds in accordance with the provisions of the contracts (agreements).

第六条 合同(协议)期满经委托方验收通过后,受托方出具横向项目备案推荐函,对推荐材料的真实性进行承诺,同时将合同(协议)文本、经费到账凭证、验收结果、取得成效的佐证材料等一并上传至海南省科技业务综合管理系统,申请横向项目备案。

Article 6 After relevant contract (agreement) is expired and the Horizontal Project has passed the inspection and acceptance of the Entrusting Party, the Entrusted Party shall issue a recommendation letter for the filing of the Horizontal Project, commit to the authenticity of the submitted materials, and upload the contract (agreement), the vouchers of funds, the acceptance results and the supporting materials for the achievement of results to the Hainan Provincial Science and Technology Management System and apply for the filing of the Horizontal Project.

第七条 横向项目采取常年受理、集中审核、定期备案的制度。省科技厅委托专业机构原则上每年7月对上一年度受理的横向项目进行集中审核,并提出备案建议,提请省科技厅厅务会、厅党组会审定。审核内容主要包括申报材料是否齐全,取得的经济效益、社会效益或生态效益是否属实,必要时可组织专家进行现场核查。

Article 7 Horizontal Projects shall be subject to a system of perpetual acceptance, centralized review and regular filing. The Department of Science and Technology shall generally entrust a professional institution in July each year to conduct centralized review on the Horizontal Projects accepted in the previous year, make recommendations for the filing of the Horizontal Projects, and submit them to the Council and the Party Committee of the Department of Science and Technology for approval. The audit is mainly to check whether the submitted materials are complete and whether the economic, social or ecological benefits achieved are true, and if necessary to organize experts to conduct on-site verification.

第八条 经审定的备案结果,由专业机构在省科技厅门户网站上公示,公示期为5个工作日。公示无异议的横向项目,由省科技厅下达备案文件。

Article 8 The audit results shall be disclosed by the professional institution on the home page of the Department of Science and Technology for 5 working days. If no objection is raised to the Horizontal Projects after the disclosure, relevant approvals should be issued by the Department of Science and Technology.


Any unit or individual who has objections to the disclosed Horizontal Projects may submit written comments and supporting documents stamped with the official seal of the unit or signed with the real name and contact information of the individual, to the professional institution within the validity period of the disclosure. The professional institution shall handle the objection within 7 working days from the date of receipt in accordance with applicable regulations, and provide feedbacks on the result to the unit or individual making the objections.

第九条 经省科技厅核准备案的横向项目,可在高等院校、科研院所人才评价、职称评聘等方面视同省科技专项项目。

Article 9 The Horizontal Projects approved and filed by the Department of Science and Technology may be deemed as provincial science and technology projects during the talent appraisal and the professional title evaluation and engagement in colleges, universities and research institutes.

第十条 省科技厅按照信用管理相关规定,实行责任倒查和追究制度。对于弄虚作假骗取备案造成恶劣影响,或存在违规违纪造成严重后果的责任主体,取消备案文件,记入科研诚信严重失信行为数据库,并加强与其他社会信用体系衔接,实施联合惩戒。

Article 10 The Department of Science and Technology shall adopt a retroactive investigation and accountability mechanism in accordance with the relevant credit management provisions.If any enterprise causes bad influences or serious consequences by making any falsification for filing purpose or committing any violations of regulations and disciplines, the approvals issued to the enterprise shall be canceled, the enterprise shall be included into the database for serious breach of research integrity, and the Department of Science and Technology shall work closely with other social credit systems to impose the joint punishment on the enterprises.

第十一条 本办法由省科技厅负责解释。

Article 11 These Measures shall be interpreted by the Department of Science and Technology of Hainan Province.

第十二条 本办法自2022年1月1日起施行,有效期3年。

Article 12 These Measures shall remain in force for three years from January 1, 2022.