Measures for the Administration of the High-tech Enterprise Incubator in Hainan Province
Chapter I General Provisions
第一条 为推进我省高新技术产业发展,加强高新技术企业培育工作,根据《中共海南省委 海南省人民政府关于加快科技创新的实施意见》(琼发〔2017〕12号)要求,结合《高新技术企业认定管理办法》(国科发火〔2016〕32号)、《高新技术企业认定管理工作指引》(国科发火〔2016〕195号),制定本办法。
Article 1 These Measures are formulated to promote the development of high-tech industries in Hainan and strengthen the incubation of high-tech enterprises, in accordance with Opinions of the CPC Hainan Provincial Committee and the People's Government of Hainan Province on Accelerating Scientific and Technological Innovations (Qiong Fa [2017] No. 12), the Measures for Administration of the Accreditation of Hi-tech Enterprises (Guo Ke Fa Huo [2016] No. 32), and the Guidelines for Administration of the Accreditation of Hi-tech Enterprises (Guo Ke Fa Huo [2016] No. 195).
第二条 省科技厅负责省高新技术企业培育库(以下简称培育库)日常管理。
Article 2 The Department of Science and Technology of Hainan Province (hereinafter referred to as “the Department of Science and Technology”) shall be responsible for the daily administration of the Hainan Provincial High-Tech Enterprise Incubator (hereinafter referred to as “the Incubator”).
第三条 建设培育库的目的在于将已具备一定基础但还达不到高新技术企业认定条件的企业经评审后入库进行快速培育。
Article 3 The purpose of building the Incubator is to admit enterprises that have a certain foundation but are not yet qualified to be accredited as high-tech enterprises and to incubate such enterprises quickly.
第四条 培育库的管理遵循“企业自愿、政府引导、公平公正、动态管理”的原则。
Article 4 The administration of the Incubator shall follow the principles of “enterprise voluntariness, government guidance, fairness and impartiality, and dynamic administration”.
第二章 入库条件与程序
Chapter II Admission Conditions and Procedures
第五条 入库企业须同时满足以下条件
Article 5 Enterprises to be admitted into the Incubator shall meet the following conditions:
(I) The enterprises have been established and registered in Hainan Province for more than one year, but never accredited as a high-tech enterprise.
(II) The enterprises have owned intellectual property rights that technologically play a core supporting role in their main products (services) through independent research and development, assignment, endorsement, merger and acquisition, etc.
(III) The technologies that play a core supporting role in the main products (services) of the enterprises fall within the scope defined in the High-Tech Fields under Primary Support in China.
(IV) The scientific and technical personnel, who are engaged in research and development activities and related technological innovation activities in the enterprises, shall account for more than 10% of all staff in the enterprises every year.
(V) The proportion of total R&D expenditures to the total sales revenues in the enterprises for the last three fiscal years (or the actual operating period if the actual operating period is less than three years, and similarly hereinafter) shall be:
1. Not less than 5%, if the enterprises had a sales revenue of less than 50 million yuan (inclusive) in the most recent year; or
2. Not less than 4%, if the enterprises had a sales revenue of 50 million yuan to 200 million yuan (inclusive) in the most recent year; or
3. No less than 3%, if the enterprises had a sales revenue of over 200 million yuan in the most recent year.Among others, the proportion of total R&D expenditures incurred by the enterprises in China to the total R&D expenditures of the enterprises shall not be less than 60%.
(VI) The proportion of revenues from high-tech products (services) in the most recent year to the total revenues of the enterprise in the same period shall be not less than 60%.
(VII) No major safety or quality accidents or serious environmental violations have occurred within one year before the enterprises apply to be accredited as high-tech enterprises.
(VIII) The enterprises are never included in any list of enterprises with abnormal operations and serious illegal and dishonest acts.
Article 6 The enterprises, gaining a comprehensive score of 55 (exclusive) to 70 (inclusive) in the innovation capability assessment conducted in accordance with the Guidelines for Administration of the Accreditation of Hi-tech Enterprises, may be admitted to the Incubator.
第七条 入库程序
Article 7 Admission procedures
(I) Application. Enterprises shall apply for the accreditation of high-tech enterprises in the year of applying for admission to the Incubator. Those enterprises, which meet the requirements stated in Article 5 and Article 6 of these Measures, shall submit an application for admission to the Incubator according to the notification released by the Department of Science and Technology. The Department of Science and Technology shall determine whether the enterprises meet the admission conditions according to the assessment results to identify high-tech enterprises.
(II) Review. The Department of Science and Technology shall review and identify those meeting the admission requirements as enterprises to be admitted to the Incubator, in accordance with Article 5 and Article 6 of these Measures.
(III) Disclosure. The Department of Science and Technology shall disclose the information on the enterprises to be admitted to the Incubator on the Internet for 5 days.
(IV) Admission. The Department of Science and Technology shall issue an admission notice and conduct dynamic administration of enterprises.
第三章 出库及管理
Chapter III Withdrawal and Administration
第八条 出库管理。入库企业有下面情况之一的,经科技厅审核确认后退出培育库。
Article 8 Withdrawal from the Incubator. Enterprises in the Incubator will be withdrawn from the Incubator after review and confirmation by the Department of Science and Technology in any one of the following circumstances:
(I) The enterprises have been accredited as high-tech enterprises;
(II) The enterprises have been in the Incubator for 3 years;
(III) The business scope and main businesses of the enterprise have changed and no longer meet the requirements in Article 5 of these Measures;
(IV) The enterprises have serious falsification in the application process;
(V) The enterprises are subject to administrative penalties for violations of administrative laws and regulations after being in the Incubator;
(VI) The enterprises are included in any list of enterprises with abnormal operations and serious illegal and dishonest acts.
第九条 已出库企业不再进入培育库。
Article 9 The enterprises that have been withdrawn from the Incubator are not allowed to be admitted into the Incubator.
第十条 入库企业须于每年年初向省科技厅报送上年度企业有关数据。
Article 10 The enterprises admitted into the Incubator shall submit their data of the previous year to the Department of Science and Technology at the beginning of each year.
第四章 扶持政策
Chapter IV Supporting Policies
第十一条 省科技厅在当年财政资金预算额度内,根据入库企业研发投入和企业规模,对入库企业给予研发资金补贴。补贴额度为:不超过企业年度研发经费增量的25%,最高不超过50万元,研发经费以企业所得税纳税申报表中“可加计扣除研发费”为准。
Article 11 The Department of Science and Technology shall, according to the R&D investment and operation scale of the enterprises, grant the R&D subsidies to the enterprises within the fiscal budgets each year. The subsidies shall not exceed 25% of the annual incremental in the R&D expenditures of the enterprises, up to a maximum of 500,000 yuan, and the R&D expenditures shall be based on the “deductible R&D expenditures” in the income tax return of the enterprises.
第十二条 入库企业入库的下一年度可根据本办法第十一条规定申请研发资金补贴。
Article 12 The enterprises admitted in the Incubator may apply for R&D subsidies in the second year after the admission in accordance with Article 11 of these Measures.
第十三条 入库企业第二、三年提交高新技术企业认定申请的,经专家评审,综合评分高于上一年度但仍未超过70分,且企业资产总额、纳税总额比上一年度实现增长的,可继续根据本办法第十一条给予研发资金补贴。未达到上述条件的,不予继续资助。
Article 13 The enterprises admitted to the Incubator, which apply for the accreditation of high-tech enterprises, obtain a comprehensive score higher than that in the previous year but not exceeding 70 scores, and realize growth in total assets and taxes when compared with the previous year, shall be eligible to receive the R&D subsidies in accordance with Article 11 of these Measures. If the above conditions are not met, no further subsidies shall be granted.
第十四条 补贴资金用于企业技术攻关、新产品研发和标准研制等研发活动。受资助企业应于受资助次年年初报送财政资金使用情况,包括成效、支出总结、明细及凭证。如有结余,待使用完后再次报送。未报送上一年度财政资金使用情况和本办法第十条要求的相关数据的企业,不予继续补贴。
Article 14 The subsidies shall be used for R&D activities such as technological researches, new product development and standard development by the enterprises. The enterprise receiving subsidies shall report the use of financial resources, including the summaries, details and vouchers of results and expenditures, at the beginning of the following year after the receipt of the subsidies. The balance if any will be reported when it is used up. No further subsidies shall be granted to enterprises that fail to report the use of fiscal funds of the previous year or to submit the relevant data required by Article 10 of these Measures.
第五章 监督检查
Chapter V Supervision and Inspection
第十五条 培育库的入库企业要自觉接受科技、财政、审计、监察部门的监督检查,严格执行财务规章制度和会计核算办法。
Article 15 The enterprises in the Incubator shall consciously accept the supervision and inspection of competent technology, finance, audit and supervision departments, and strictly follow the financial regulations and accounting methods.
第十六条 补贴资金管理实行责任追究机制。对弄虚作假、截留、挪用、挤占专项资金等行为,按相关规定进行处理,并依法追究有关单位及相关人员的责任。
Article 16 The administration of subsidies shall be subject to an accountability mechanism. The falsification, embezzlement, misappropriation and diversion of special funds will be dealt with in accordance with applicable regulations, and the relevant units and individuals will be held responsible in accordance with the laws.
Chapter VI Supplementary Provisions
第十七条 本办法由省科技厅负责解释。
Article 17 These Measures shall be interpreted by the Department of Science and Technology of Hainan Province.
第十八条 本办法自2021年7月29日起施行,有效期5年。《海南省高新技术企业培育库管理暂行办法》同时废止。
Article 18 These Measures shall remain in force for 5 years from July 29, 2021. The Interim Measures for the Administration of the High-tech Enterprise Incubator in Hainan Province shall be annulled simultaneously.