
Rules for the Implementation of Measure for Granting Provincial Science and Technology Awards in Hainan Province



第一章 总则

Chapter I General Provisions

第二章 奖励范围和评审标准

Chapter II Awarding Scope and Evaluation Criteria

第三章 评审组织

Chapter III Evaluation Organization

第四章 提名和受理

Chapter IV Nomination and Acceptance

第五章 评审

Chapter V Evaluation

第六章 异议处理

Chapter VI Handling of Objections

第七章 批准和授予

Chapter VII Approval and Award Granting

第八章 监督及处罚

Chapter VIII Supervision and Punishment

第九章 附则

Chapter IX Supplementary Provisions

第一章 总则

Chapter I General Provisions

第一条 为做好海南省科学技术奖励工作,保证海南省科学技术奖的评审质量,根据《海南省科学技术奖励办法》(以下简称奖励办法),制定《海南省科学技术奖励办法实施细则》(以下简称本细则)。

Article 1These Rules are formulated to improve the granting of the provincial science and technology awards in Hainan Province and ensure the quality of the science and technology awards, in accordance with theMeasures for Granting Provincial Science and Technology Awards in Hainan Province(hereinafter referred to as the “Measures”).

第二条 本细则适用于海南省科学技术奖的四个类别奖项(自然科学奖、技术发明奖、科学技术进步奖和国际科学技术合作奖)的提名、评审、授予等各项活动。

Article 2These Rules apply to the four categories of provincial science and technology awards of Hainan Province (i.e., Provincial Natural Science Award, Provincial Technological Invention Award, Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award, and International Science and Technology Cooperation Award).

第三条 海南省科学技术奖励工作深入贯彻落实创新驱动发展战略和“尊重知识、尊重人才”的方针,鼓励团结协作、联合 攻关、自主创新,促进科学研究、技术开发与经济社会发展紧密 结合,营造大众创业、万众创新的良好氛围,为推动我省科技进 步和经济社会发展注入更大动力。

Article 3The work related to the provincial science and technology awards in Hainan Province shall thoroughly implement the innovation-driven development strategy and follow the guidelines of “respecting knowledge and talents”, to encourage solidarity, joint researches and independent innovations, promote the close integration of scientific researches and technological developments with economic and social development, create a good atmosphere for start-ups and innovations, and gives greater impetus to boost the science and technology advancement as well as economic and social development in Hainan.

第四条 海南省科学技术奖的提名、评审和授予,遵循公开、公平、公正的原则,实行科学的评审制度,不受任何个人或者组 织的非法干涉。

Article 4The nomination, evaluation and granting of the provincial science and technology awards in Hainan shall adhere to the principle of “being open, fair and impartial” and adopt a scientific evaluation system free from any unlawful interference by any individual or organization.

省科学技术奖授予在科学发现、技术发明和促进科学技术进 步等方面做出创造性突出贡献的个人或者组织,并对同一项目授 奖的个人、组织按照贡献大小排序。

The provincial science and technology awards shall be granted to individuals or organizations that have made creative and outstanding contributions to scientific discoveries, technological inventions and science and technology advancements, and the individuals and organizations granted with awards due to their contributions to the same project shall be prioritized according how much contribution they made to the project.

第五条 设立省科学技术奖励委员会,负责省科学技术奖的宏观管理和监督指导。其组成人员人选由省科学技术行政部门提出,报省人民政府批准。

Article 5The Science and Technology Award Committee shall be established to be responsible for macro management, supervision and guidance of the provincial science and technology awards in Hainan. The members of the Committee shall be nominated by the Provincial Science and Technology Administration, and such nomination shall be submitted to and approved by the People's Government of Hainan Province.

第六条 省科学技术行政部门负责省科学技术奖相关规则、标准的制定和评审活动的组织工作。

Article 6The Provincial Science and Technology Administration shall be responsible for the development of relevant rules and standards concerning the provincial science and technology awards, and the organization of evaluation activities.

省科学技术奖励委员会办公室(以下简称奖励办公室)设在 省科学技术行政部门,负责日常管理和服务工作。

The Office of the Provincial Science and Technology Award Committee (hereinafter referred to as the “Committee Office”) shall be set under the Provincial Science and Technology Administration and shall be responsible for the day-to-day management and service work.

第二章 奖励范围和评审标准

Chapter II Awarding Scope and Evaluation Criteria

第一节 省自然科学奖

Section I Provincial Natural Science Awards

第七条 奖励办法第七条第二款(一)所称“前人尚未发现或者尚未阐明”,是指该项自然科学发现为国内外首次提出,或者其科学理论在国内外首次阐明,且主要论著为国内外首次发表。

Article 7The expression “not having been discovered or elaborated by any forerunner” under Paragraph 2 (1) of Article 7 of the Measures means that: the natural science discovery is first proposed both in China and abroad, or the scientific theory is first elucidated both in China and abroad, and the main monographs are first published both in China and abroad.

第八条 奖励办法第七条第二款(二)所称“具有重大科学价值”,是指该发现在科学理论、学说上有创见,或者在研究方法、 手段上有创新;对推动学科发展有重大意义,或者对经济建设和社会发展具有重要影响。

Article 8The expression “significant scientific value” under the Paragraph 2 (2) of Article 7 of the Measures means that: the discovery is innovative in theory or doctrine, or in research methods or means, and it is of great significance in promoting the development of the discipline, or has an important influence on economic construction and social development.

第九条 奖励办法第七条第二款(三)所称“得到国内外科学界公认”,是指主要论著已在国内外公开发行的学术刊物上发表,或者作为学术专著出版两年以上,其重要科学结论已为国内 外同行所正面引用或者应用。

Article 9The expression “recognized by the scientific community in China and abroad” under Paragraph 2 (2) of Article 7 of the Measures means that: the main monographs have been published in academic journals that are published both in China and abroad, or has published as academic monograph for more than two years, and important scientific conclusions therein have been positively cited or applied by peers in China and abroad.

第十条 省自然科学奖候选项目的完成人员应当是相关科学技术论著的主要作者(前五位),并具备下列条件之一:

Article 10The accomplisher of the candidate projects for the Provincial Natural Science Award shall be the main authors (one of the first five authors) of the relevant scientific and technical monographs and meet one of the following requirements:


(I) Put forward their overall academic idea and research programs;

(二)发现重要科学现象、特性和规律,并阐明科学理论和 学说;

(II) Discover important scientific phenomena, properties and laws, and illustrated the scientific theories and doctrines; and

(三)提出研究方法和手段,解决关键性学术疑难问题或者 实验技术难点,以及对重要基础数据的系统收集和综合分析等。

(III) Propose research methods and tools to solve key academic dilemmas or experimental technical difficulties, as well as the systematic collection and comprehensive analysis of important basic data.

第十一条 省自然科学奖候选项目的完成单位应当是在基础研究和应用基础研究过程中提供技术、设备和人员等条件,对该 项自然科学发现或者科学理论的提出起到组织、管理和协调作用 的主要完成单位。

Article 11The organization completing a candidate project for the Provincial Natural Science Award shall be the main completion unit that provides technology, equipment and personnel in the process of basic and applied basic researches, and plays an important role in organizing, managing and coordinating the presentation of the natural science discoveries or the scientific theories.

第十二条 省自然科学奖授奖等级根据候选项目所做出的科学发现进行综合评定,评定标准如下:

Article 12The rewarding grades for the Provincial Natural Science Award shall be evaluated comprehensively according to the scientific discoveries made by the candidate projects, with the evaluation criteria as follows:

(一)对于原始性创新特别突出、具有特别重大科学价值、在国内外自然科学界有重大影响的特别重大的科学发现,可以评 为特等奖。

(I) Those who make particularly significant scientific discoveries with particularly outstanding originality, significant scientific value and huge influence in the natural science community both in China and abroad, may be granted with the Grand Prize.

(二)在科学上取得突破性进展,发现的自然现象、揭示的 科学规律、提出的学术观点或者其研究方法为国内外学术界所公认和广泛引用,推动了本学科或者相关学科的发展,或者对经济 建设和社会发展有重大影响的,可以评为一等奖。

(II) Those whose scientific breakthroughs, discovered natural phenomena, revealed scientific laws, proposed academic views or research methods are recognized and cited widely by the academic community in China and abroad, promote the development of the discipline or related disciplines, or have a significant influence on economic construction and social development, may be granted with the First Prize.

(三)在科学上取得重要进展,发现的自然现象、揭示的科 学规律、提出的学术观点或者其研究方法为国内外学术界所公认 和引用,推动了本学科的发展,或者对经济建设和社会发展有较大影响的,可以评为二等奖。

(III) Those whose important scientific progress, discovered natural phenomena, revealed scientific laws, proposed academic views or research methods are recognized and cited by the academic community in China and abroad, promote the development of the discipline, or have a greater influence on economic construction and social development, may be granted with the Second Prize.

(四)在科学上取得较大进展,发现的自然现象、揭示的科 学规律、提出的学术观点或者其研究方法为国内外学术界所公认 和引用,对本学科或者其分支学科的发展有一定推动作用,或者 对经济建设和社会发展有一定影响的,可以评为三等奖。

(IV) Those whose major scientific progress, discovered natural phenomena, revealed scientific laws, proposed academic views or research methods are recognized and cited by the academic community in China and abroad, promote the development of the discipline or branch disciplines to certain degree, or have a certain fluence on the economic construction and social development, may be granted with the Third Prize.

第十三条 省自然科学奖每个项目的授奖单位和授奖人数:特等奖单位不超过8个,个人不超过10人;一等奖单位不超过6个,个人不超过8人;二等奖单位不超过5个,个人不超过6人;三等奖单位不超过4个,个人不超过5人。

Article 13The number of organizations and individuals to be granted with the Grand Prize of the Provincial Natural Science Award in a single item shall not be any more than 8 and 10 respectively; the number of organizations and individuals to be granted with the First Prize of the Provincial Natural Science Award shall not be any more than 6 and 8 respectively; and the number of organizations and individuals to be granted with the Second Prize of the Provincial Natural Science Award shall not be any more than 5 and 6 respectively; and the number of organizations and individuals to be granted with the Third Prize of the Provincial Natural Science Award shall not be any more than 4 and 5 respectively.

第二节 省技术发明奖

Section II Provincial Technological Invention Award

第十四条 奖励办法第八条第一款所称的“产品”包括各种仪器、设备、器械、工具、零部件以及生物新品种等;“工艺”包括工业、农业、医疗卫生和国家安全等领域的各种技术方法;“材料”包括用各种技术方法获得的新物质等;“系统”是指产品、工艺和材料的技术综合。省技术发明奖的授奖范围不包括仅依赖个人经验和技能、技巧又不可重复实现的技术。

Article 14The word of “products” under Paragraph 1 of Article 8 of the Measures shall include instruments, equipment, apparatus, tools, parts and components and new biological varieties; the “processes” shall include all technical methods in the fields of industry, agriculture, medical and healthcare and national security; “materials” shall include new substances obtained by various technical methods; the “system” shall refer to a technical synthesis of products, processes and materials. The scope of the Provincial Technological Invention Award does not include technologies that rely solely on personal experience, skills and techniques and are not repeatable.

第十五条 奖励办法第八条第二款(一)所称“前人尚未发明或者尚未公开”,是指该项技术发明为国内外首创,或者虽然国内外已有但主要技术内容尚未在国内外各种公开出版物、媒体及其 他公众信息渠道发表或者公开,也未曾公开使用过。

Article 15The expression “Not having been discovered or publicized by any forerunner” under Paragraph 2 (1) of Article 8 of the Measures means that: the invention is the first of its kind in China and abroad, or although it is available in China and abroad, the main technical content has not been publicized or disclosed in public publications, media and other public information channels in China and abroad, nor has it been used publicly.

第十六条 奖励办法第八条第二款(二)所称“具有先进性、创造性、实用性和重大技术价值”,是指该项技术发明与国内外已有同类技术相比较,其技术思路、技术原理或者技术方法有创新, 技术上有实质性的特点和显著的进步,主要性能(性状)、技术经济指标、科学技术水平及其促进科学技术进步的作用和意义等方面综合优于同类技术。

Article 16The expression "being advanced, creative, practical and with significant technical value" under Paragraph 2 (2) of Article 8 of the Measures means that: the invention, as compared with similar technologies which already exist in China or abroad, is innovative in technological thoughts, principles or means thereof and has substantial technical features and actualized prominent progress, and in such aspects as main performances (properties), technological-economic indexes, scientific and technological level, and the role and significance in promoting scientific and technological progress are comprehensively better than other similar technologies.

第十七条 奖励办法第八条第二款(三)所称“经实施,创造显著的经济社会效益或者生态环境效益”,是指该项技术发明成熟,并实施应用两年以上,取得良好的应用效果。

Article 17The expression “having created obvious economic and social benefits after being put into practice” under Paragraph 2 (3) of Article 8 of the Measures means that: the invention is mature and has been applied for more than two years and achieved good application effect.

第十八条 省技术发明奖候选项目的完成人员应当是该项技术发明的全部或者部分创造性技术内容的主要完成人。

Article 18The personnel who completes the candidate projects for the Provincial Technological Invention Award shall be the main accomplisher of all or part of the creative technological contents of the technological invention.

第十九条 省技术发明奖候选项目的完成单位应当是在该项技术发明研究过程中提供技术、设备和人员等条件,对该项技术 发明的完成起到组织、管理和协调作用的主要完成单位。

Article 19The organization which completes the candidate projects for Provincial Technological Invention Award shall be main accomplisher that provides technology, equipment and personnel in the research process of the technological invention and plays an important role in organizing, managing and coordinating the completion of the technological invention.

第二十条 省技术发明奖授奖等级根据候选项目所做出的技术发明进行综合评定,评定标准如下:

Article 20The rewarding grades of the Provincial Technological Invention Award shall be evaluated comprehensively according to the technological inventions made by the candidate projects, with the evaluation criteria as follows:

(一)对原始性创新特别突出、主要技术经济指标显著优于 国内外同类技术或者产品,并取得重大经济、社会或者生态环境 效益的技术发明,可以评为特等奖。

(I) Any technological invention, that has particularly outstanding originality, obviously better technological-economic indexes as compared to the similar technologies or products both in China and abroad and significant economic or social benefits, may be granted with the Grand Prize.

(二)属国内外首创的重大技术发明,技术思路独特,主要技 术上有重大的创新,技术经济指标达到了同类技术的领先水平,推动了相关领域的技术进步,并产生了显著的经济、社会或者生 态环境效益,可以评为一等奖。

(II)Any significant technological invention, that is initiated both in China and abroad, has unique technological thoughts and significant innovation in major technologies, reaches the leading level among similar technologies in the aspect of technological-economic indexes, and has promoted technological progress in relating fields and has brought about prominent economic benefits or social benefits, may be granted with the First Prize.

(三)属国内外首创的重大技术发明,技术思路新颖,主要技术上有较大的创新,技术经济指标达到了同类技术的先进水平, 对本领域的技术进步有推动作用,并产生了明显的经济、社会或者生态环境效益,可以评为二等奖。

(III) Any significant technological invention, that is initiated both in China and abroad and novel in technological thoughts, has relatively large innovation in major technologies, reaches the advanced level among similar technologies in the aspect of technological-economic indexes, and has thus promoted technological progress in this field and has brought about obvious economic benefits or social benefits, may be granted with the Second Prize.

(四)属国内外首创的技术发明,技术思路新颖,主要技术 上有创新,技术经济指标达到了同类技术的先进水平,对本领域的技术进步有推动作用,并产生了一定的经济、社会或者生态环 境效益,可以评为三等奖。

(IV) Any technological invention, that is initiated both in China and abroad and novel in technological thoughts, has innovations in major technologies, reaches the advanced level among similar technologies in the aspect of technological-economic indexes, and has thus promoted technological progress in this field and has brought about certain economic benefits or social benefits, may be granted with the Third Prize.

第二十一条 省技术发明奖每个项目的授奖单位和授奖人数:特等奖单位不超过8个,个人不超过10人;一等奖单位不超过6个,个人不超过8人;二等奖单位不超过5个,个人不超过6人;三等奖单位不超过4个,个人不超过5人。

Article 21The number of organizations and individuals to be granted with the Grand Prize of the Provincial Technological Invention Award in a single item shall not be any more than 8 and 10 respectively; the number of organizations and individuals to be granted with the First Prize of the Provincial Technological Invention Award shall not be any more than 6 and 8 respectively; and the number of organizations and individuals to be granted with the Second Prize of the Provincial Technological Invention Award shall not be any more than 5 and 6 respectively; and the number of organizations and individuals to be granted with the Third Prize of the Provincial Technological Invention Award shall not be any more than 4 and 5 respectively.

第三节 省科学技术进步奖

Section III Provincial Scientific and Technological Progress Award

第二十二条 省科学技术进步奖分技术开发类、重大工程类、转化推广类、软科学类、科学技术普及类和社会公益类等6个类别项目,分别按各类别的评定标准进行评审。

Article 22The candidate projects for Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award can be divided into six categories: technology development projects, major engineering projects, transformation and promotion projects, soft science projects, science and technology popularization projects and public welfare projects, which shall be evaluated according to the evaluation criteria of each category.

第二十三条 奖励办法第九条第二款(一)“技术创新性突出,技术经济指标先进”,包括技术开发类、重大工程类项目。“技术开发类项目”是指在科学研究和技术开发活动中,完成具有重大市场实用价值的产品、技术、工艺、材料、设计和生物品种及其应用的项目;“重大工程类项目”,是指列入国家或者省国民经济和社会发展计划的重大综合性基本建设工程、科学技 术工程、企业技术创新工程等项目。

Article 23The expression “outstanding technological innovation and advanced technical and economic indicators” under Paragraph 2 (1) of Article 9 of the Measures refers to the technology development projects and major engineering projects. “Technology development projects” refer to the projects in which the application of products, technologies, craftworks, materials, designs and biological species with significant market utility value have been accomplished in the process of science research and technological exploitation. “Major engineering projects” refer to key and comprehensive construction projects, scientific and technological projects and national defense projects which have been listed into the national economy and social development plan.

第二十四条 奖励办法第九条第二款(二)“经转化推广应用,经济社会效益或者生态环境效益显著”,是指在大规模推广应用、依法引进消化吸收先进科学技术成果和实施高新技术产业化中做出突出贡献,取得显著经济、社会或者生态环境效益的转化推广项目。

Article 24The expression “Producing great economic or social benefits or ecological and environmental benefits after transformation, promotion and application” under Paragraph 2 (2) of Article 9 of the Measures refers to transformation and promotion projects which make significant contributions and produce great economic or social benefits or ecological and environmental benefits after the transformation, promotion and application in the process of large-scale promotion, application, introduction, digestion and absorption of advanced scientific and technological achievements and the implementation of high-tech industrialization.

第二十五条 奖励办法第九条第二款(三)所称“在推动行业科技进步、科学技术普及、改善民生等方面有重大贡献”,包括 软科学研究、科学技术普及和社会公益性科学技术事业。

Article 25The expression “making significant contributions in promoting the progress of science and technology, science and technology popularization and improving people's livelihood” under Paragraph 2 (3) of Article 9 of the Measures refers to soft science projects, science and technology popularization projects and public welfare projects.

“软科学研究”,是指为决策科学化、管理现代化而进行的有关战略、规划、政策、管理、体制改革研究,重大技术经济分析、 重大项目可行性论证,以及软科学的基本理论和方法研究等,并取得一定的经济、社会或者生态环境效益;“科学技术普及”,是指在向公众普及科学知识、倡导科学方法、传播科学思想、弘扬科学精神以及提高国民科学文化素质中发挥重要作用;“社会公益性科学技术事业”,是指在标准、计量、科技信息、科技档案等科学技术基础性工作以及环境保护、医疗卫生、自然资源调查和合理利用、自然灾害监测预报和防治等科学技术事业中取得的重大成果及其应用推广。

“Soft science projects" refer to projects including the study of strategies, plans, policies, management, institutional reforms to realize scientific decision-making and modern management, major technical and economic analysis, feasibility study of major projects, and research on the basic theories and methods of soft sciences, which achieve certain economic, social or ecological benefits. “Science and technology popularization projects” refers projects in which significant achievement and the application and popularization thereof have been obtained in such basic work of science and technology as standard, measurement, scientific and technological information, scientific and technological archives, scientific and technological popularization and such public-interest cause of science and technology as environmental protection, medical treatment and sanitation, the investigation and reasonable utilization of natural resources, the monitor, forecasting, prevention and treatment of natural disasters.

第二十六条 省科学技术进步奖候选项目的完成人员应具备下列条件之一:

Article 26The accomplisher of the candidate projects for the Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award shall meet one of the following requirements:


(I) Make significant contributions to the overall technical program of the design project.


(II) Make significant technological innovations in the resolution of key technologies and difficult problems;

(三)在成果转化和推广应用或者高新技术产业化方面做出 创造性贡献;

(III) Make creative contributions to the transformation and application of results or the industrialization of new and high technologies;

(四)在决策科学化、管理现代化研究中取得创新成果,并 被相关决策和管理部门采纳或者应用;

(IV) Achieve innovative results in scientific decision-making and management modernization researches, which are adopted or applied by relevant decision-making and management departments.


(V) Make outstanding innovations to the content of the selected topic or the form of expression and creative approach in the promotion of scientific technologies, and play a demonstration and driving effect.

第二十七条 省科学技术进步奖候选项目的完成单位应当是在项目研制、开发、投产、应用和推广过程中提供技术、设备和 人员等条件,对项目的完成起到组织、管理和协调作用的主要完成单位。

Article 27The organization which completes the candidate projects for Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award shall be main accomplisher that provides technology, equipment and personnel in the process of research, development, production, application and promotion, and plays an important role in organizing, managing and coordinating the completion of the technological invention.

第二十八条 省科学技术进步奖候选项目应当总体符合下列条件:

Article 28Candidate projects for the Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award shall generally meet the following conditions:

(一)技术创新性突出:在技术上有重要的创新,特别是在高新技术领域进行自主创新,形成了产业的主导技术和名牌产品, 或者应用高新技术对传统产业进行装备和改造,通过技术创新, 提升传统产业,增加行业的技术含量,提高产品附加值;技术难度较大,解决了行业发展中的热点、难点和关键问题;总体技术 水平和技术经济指标达到了行业的先进水平以上。

(I) Outstanding originality in technological innovation: The project shall have important innovation in technology, especially have self-initiated innovation in the field of new and high technology; form a predominant technology and famous brand product in the corresponding industry; apply new and high technology to equip and reform the traditional industry; enhance the added value of products, elevate the traditional industry and add technological contents to the industry by means of technological innovation; solve the heated, crux and key problems in the industrial development; and reach the advanced level of the industry in respect of overall technological level and technological-economic indexes.

(二)经济、社会或者生态环境效益显著:所开发的项目经 过两年以上较大规模的实施应用,产生了较好的经济、社会或者 生态环境效益,实现了技术创新的市场价值或者社会价值,为经 济建设和社会发展做出了很大贡献。

(II) Significant economic, social or ecological benefits: the projects shall produce significant economic, social or ecological benefits after being implemented and applied on a larger scale for more than two years; realize the market value or social value of technological innovations, and make great contributions to economic construction and social development.

(三)推动行业科技进步作用明显:项目的转化程度较高, 具有较强的示范、带动和扩散能力,促进了产业结构的调整、优 化、升级及产品的更新换代,对行业的发展具有很大作用。

(III) Obvious promotion of the scientific and technological progress for the industry: the projects shall realize high transformation of technological results, have strong demonstration, driving and diffusion capacity, promote the adjustment, optimization and upgrading of the industrial structure and the renewal of products, and play a great role in the development of the industry.

第二十九条 省科学技术进步奖授奖等级根据候选项目进行综合评定,评定标准如下:

Article 29The rewarding grades of the Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award shall be evaluated comprehensively according to candidate projects, with the evaluation criteria as follows:


Projects that have particularly outstanding originality, obviously better technological-economic indexes as compared to the similar technologies or products both in China and abroad and significant economic or social benefits, with a particularly obvious role in promoting scientific and technological progress in the industry, may be granted with the Grand Prize.


(I) Technology development projects

1.在关键技术或者系统集成上有重大创新,技术难度大,总 体技术水平和主要技术经济指标达到国际同类技术或者产品的先 进水平,市场竞争力强,成果转化程度高,创造了重大的经济、 社会或者生态环境效益,对行业的技术进步和产业结构优化升级 有重大作用的,可以评为一等奖。

1. Those projects, that make significant innovations with high technical difficulty in key technologies or system integrations, reach the advanced level of similar technologies or products abroad in respect of overall technological level and technological-economic indexes, have strong market competitiveness, realize high transformation of technological results, produce significant economic, social or ecological and environmental benefits, and play a significant role in promoting the technological progress of the industry, may be granted with the First Prize.

2.在关键技术或者系统集成上有较大创新,技术难度较大,总体技术水平和主要技术经济指标达到国内同类技术或者产品的 领先水平,市场竞争力较强,成果转化程度较高,创造了较大的 经济、社会或者生态环境效益,对行业的技术进步和产业结构调 整有很较大作用的,可以评为二等奖。

2. Those projects, that make great innovations with high technical difficulty in key technologies or system integration, reach the advanced level among similar technologies in China in the aspect of overall technological level and main technological-economic indexes, have strong market competitiveness, realize high transformation of technological results, produce great economic, social or ecological and environmental benefits, and play a big role in promoting the technological progress of the industry, may be granted with the Second Prize.

3.在关键技术或者系统集成上有创新,有一定的技术难度, 总体技术水平和主要技术经济指标达到国内同类技术或者产品的先进水平,有一定的市场竞争力,成果已转化并创造了一定的经济、社会或者生态环境效益,对行业的技术进步和产业结构调整有一定作用的,可以评为三等奖。

3. Those projects, that make innovations with certain technical difficulty in key technologies or system integration, reach the advanced level among similar technologies in China in the aspect of overall technological level and main technological-economic indexes, have certain market competitiveness, realize the transformation of technological results, produce economic, social or ecological and environmental benefits, and play a role in promoting the technological progress of the industry, may be granted with the Third Prize.


(II) Major engineering projects

1.联合攻关,协作程度很高,在关键技术、技术集成和系统 管理方面有重大创新,技术难度和工程复杂程度大,总体技术水 平和主要技术经济指标达到国际同类项目的先进水平,取得重大 的经济、社会或者生态环境效益,对推动我省经济社会发展和科 技进步具有重大意义的,可以评为一等奖。

1. Those projects which solve difficult engineering problems with excellent collaboration abilities, make significant innovation in key technologies, technology integration and system management fields with great technical difficulty and engineering complexity, reach the advanced level among similar technologies abroad in the aspect of overall technological level and main technological-economic indexes, produce significant economic, social or ecological and environmental benefits, and play an significant role in promoting the economic and social development and technological progress of Hainan, may be granted with the First Prize.

2.联合攻关,协作程度较高,在关键技术、技术集成和系统 管理方面有较大创新,技术难度和工程复杂程度较大,总体技术 水平和主要技术经济指标达到国内同类项目的领先水平,取得较 大的经济、社会或者生态环境效益,对推动我省经济社会发展和 科技进步有较大意义的,可以评为二等奖。

2. Those projects which solve difficult engineering problems with high collaboration abilities, make big innovation in key technologies, technology integration and system management fields with high technical difficulty and engineering complexity, reach the advanced level among similar technologies in China in the aspect of overall technological level and main technological-economic indexes, produce great economic, social or ecological and environmental benefits, and play a big role in promoting the economic and social development and technological progress of Hainan, may be granted with the Second Prize.

3.联合攻关,有一定的协作程度,在关键技术、技术集成和系统管理方面有一定创新,有一定的技术难度和工程复杂程度, 总体技术水平和主要技术经济指标达到国内同类项目的先进水 平,取得较好的经济、社会或者生态环境效益,对我省经济社会 发展和科技进步有一定意义的,可以评为三等奖。

3. Those projects which solve difficult engineering problems with certain collaboration abilities, make some innovation in key technologies, technology integration and system management fields with certain technical difficulty and engineering complexity, reach the advanced level among similar technologies in China in the aspect of overall technological level and main technological-economic indexes, produce economic, social or ecological and environmental benefits, and play a role in promoting the economic and social development and technological progress of Hainan, may be granted with the Third Prize.


(III) Transformation and promotion projects

1.在转化推广关键技术或者系统集成关键技术中的推广方法、措施有很大创新,具有很强的示范、带动和扩散能力,对提高产业整体水平有很大促进,并在区域或者行业中有很大覆盖面, 取得重大的经济、社会或者生态环境效益的,可以评为一等奖。

1. Those projects, that make significant improvement and innovations in methods and measures in transformation and promotion of key technologies or system integrations, have strong demonstration, driving and diffusion capacity, greatly promote the overall level of the industry, and produce significant economic, social or ecological and environmental benefits via the large coverage in the region or the industry, may be granted with the First Prize.

2.在转化推广关键技术或者系统集成关键技术中的推广方法、措施有较大的改进和创新,具有较大的示范、带动和扩散能 力,对提高产业整体水平有较大作用,并在区域或者行业中有较 大覆盖面,取得较大的经济、社会或者生态环境效益的,可以评 为二等奖。

2. Those projects, that make great improvement and innovations in methods and measures in transformation and promotion of key technologies or system integrations, have high demonstration, driving and diffusion capacity, effectively promote the overall level of the industry, and produce good economic, social or ecological and environmental benefits via the large coverage in the region or the industry, may be granted with the Second Prize.

3.在转化推广关键技术或者系统集成关键技术中的推广方法、措施有一定的改进和创新,具有一定的示范、带动和扩散能 力,对提高产业整体水平有一定作用,并在区域或者行业中有一 定覆盖面,取得较好的经济、社会或者生态环境效益的,可以评 为三等奖。

3. Those projects, that make certain improvement and innovations in methods and measures in transformation and promotion of key technologies or system integrations, have certain demonstration, driving and diffusion capacity, promote the overall level of the industry, and produce economic, social or ecological and environmental benefits via the certain coverage in the region or the industry, may be granted with the Third Prize.


(IV) Soft science projects

1.项目研究在理论上有重大创新,方法上有重大突破,其研究成果对行政决策已产生很大的作用,被社会承认并产生显著的 经济、社会或者生态环境效益的,可以评为一等奖。

1. Those projects, that make significant theoretical innovations and methodological breakthroughs and output research results which have a great influence on administrative decisions and have been recognized by the society, and produce significant economic, social or ecological and environmental benefits, may be awarded the First Prize.

2.项目研究在理论上有较大创新,方法上有较大突破,其研 究成果对行政决策已产生较大的作用,被社会承认并产生较大的 经济、社会或者生态环境效益的,可以评为二等奖。

2. Those projects, that make big theoretical innovations and methodological breakthroughs and output research results which have a big influence on administrative decisions and have been recognized by the society, and produce good economic, social or ecological and environmental benefits, may be awarded the Second Prize.

3.项目研究在理论上有一定创新,方法上有一定突破,其研 究成果对行政决策已产生一定的作用,被社会承认并产生一定的 经济、社会或者生态环境效益的,可以评为三等奖。

3. Those projects, that make certain theoretical innovations and methodological breakthroughs and output research results which have a certain influence on administrative decisions and have been recognized by the society, and produce certain economic, social or ecological and environmental benefits, may be awarded the Third Prize.


(V) Technology popularization projects

1.创作手法上有重大创新,在国内有重大影响,内容被广泛 认识和接受,取得了重大的社会效益,对科普作品创作的示范带 动有重大意义的,可以评为一等奖;

1. Those projects, that make significant innovations in creation approaches, have significant influence in China, produce contents widely recognized and accepted by the public, produce significant social benefits, and play a significant role in demonstrating and driving the creation of popular science works, may be granted with the First Prize.

2.创作手法上有较大创新,在国内有重要影响,内容在较大 范围内被认识和接受,取得了较大的社会效益,对科普作品创作 的示范带动有较大意义的,可以评为二等奖;

2. Those projects that make big innovations in creation approaches, have important influence in China, produce contents largely recognized and accepted by the public, produce great social benefits, and play a big role in demonstrating and driving the creation of popular science works, may be granted with the Second Prize.

3.创作手法上有一定创新,在国内有一定影响,内容在一定 范围内被认识和接受,取得了一定的社会效益,对科普作品创作 的示范带动有一定意义的,可以评为三等奖。

3. Those projects, that make certain innovations in creation approaches, have some influence in China, produce contents recognized and accepted by the public within certain scope, produce certain social benefits, and play a role in demonstrating and driving the creation of popular science works, may be granted with the Third Prize.


(VI) Public welfare projects

1.在关键技术或者系统集成上有重大创新,技术难度大,总 体技术水平和主要技术经济指标达到国际同类技术或者产品的先进水平,并在行业得到广泛应用,取得重大的社会或者生态环境 效益,对科技发展和社会进步有重大意义的,可以评为一等奖。

1. Those projects, that make significant innovation in key technologies or system integration with great technical difficulty, reach the advanced level of similar technologies or products abroad in respect of overall technological level and technological-economic indexes, win wide recognition in the industry, produce significant economic, social or ecological and environmental benefits, and play a significant role in promoting the technological progress and the social development, may be granted with the First Prize.

2.在关键技术或者系统集成上有较大创新,技术难度较大, 总体技术水平和主要技术经济指标达到国内同类技术或者产品的领先水平,并在行业较大范围内应用,取得较大的社会或者生态环境效益,对科技发展和社会进步有较大意义的,可以评为二等奖。

2. Those projects, that make great innovation in key technologies or system integration with high technical difficulty, reach the advanced level of similar technologies or products in China in respect of overall technological level and technological-economic indexes, win good recognition in the industry, produce good economic, social or ecological and environmental benefits, and play a big role in promoting the technological progress and the social development, may be granted with the Second Prize.

3.在关键技术或者系统集成上有一定创新,有一定技术难度,总体技术水平和主要技术经济指标达到国内同类技术或者产 品的先进水平,并在行业一定范围内应用,取得较好的社会或者 生态环境效益,对科技发展和社会进步有一定意义的,可以评为 三等奖。

3. Those projects, that make certain innovation in key technologies or system integration with certain technical difficulty, reach the advanced level of similar technologies or products abroad in respect of overall technological level and technological-economic indexes, win certain recognition in the industry, produce significant economic, social or ecological and environmental benefits, and play a role in promoting the technological progress and the social development, may be granted with the Third Prize.

第三十条 省科学技术进步奖每个项目的授奖单位和授奖人数:特等奖单位不超过10个,个人不超过15人;一等奖单位不超过8个,个人不超过10人;二等奖单位不超过6个,个人不超过8人;三等奖单位不超过5个,个人不超过6人。

Article 30The number of organizations and individuals to be granted with the Grand Prize of the Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award in a single item shall not be any more than 8 and 10 respectively; the number of organizations and individuals to be granted with the First Prize of the Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award shall not be any more than 6 and 8 respectively; and the number of organizations and individuals to be granted with the Second Prize of the Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award shall not be any more than 5 and 6 respectively; and the number of organizations and individuals to be granted with the Third Prize of the Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award shall not be any more than 4 and 5 respectively.

第四节 省国际科学技术合作奖

Section IV International Science and Technology Cooperation Award of Hainan

第三十一条 奖励办法第十条所称“外国人或者外国组织”,是指在双边或者多边国际科技合作中对本省科学技术事业做出重要贡献的外国科学家、工程技术人员、科技管理人员和科学技术 研究、开发、管理等组织。

Article 31The “foreigners or foreign organizations” under Article 10 of the Measures refers to foreign scientists, engineers and technicians, science and technology managers and organizations responsible for scientific and technological researches, development and management that have made important contributions to the scientific and technological development in Hainan via bilateral or multilateral international cooperation in science and technology.

第三十二条 被授予省国际科学技术合作奖的外国人或者外国组织,应当具备下列条件之一:

Article 32Foreigners or foreign organizations to be awarded with the International Science and Technology Cooperation Award shall have one of the following requirements:

(一)在与本省的个人或者组织进行合作研究、开发等方面 取得重大科技成果,对经济和社会发展有重要推动作用,取得了 显著的经济、社会或者生态环境效益。

(I) Obtain significant scientific and technological achievements by conducting cooperative research and development with local individuals or organizations, make great contributions to economic and social development, and produce significant economic, social or ecological and environmental benefits.

(二)在向本省的个人或者组织传授先进科学技术、提出重 要科技发展建议与对策、培养科技人才或者管理人才等方面做出 了重要贡献,对经济和社会发展有重要推动作用,取得显著的经 济、社会或者生态环境效益。

(II) Make important contributions in introducing advanced science and technology to individuals or organizations in Hainan, proposing important proposals and countermeasures for scientific and technological development, training scientific and technological personnel or management talents, contribute significantly to economic and social development, and produce significant economic, social or ecological and environmental benefits.

(三)在促进本省与外国科技交流与合作方面做出重要贡献, 推动了本省经济社会发展,取得显著的经济、社会或者生态环境效益。

(III) Make important contributions in promoting scientific and technological exchanges and cooperation between Hainan and foreign countries, promote the economic and social development of Hainan, and achieve significant economic, social or ecological and environmental benefits.

第三十三条 鼓励外国人或者外国组织参与本省科学技术进步活动,与本省的中国公民或者组织开展人才、技术和项目交流 合作。对符合条件的外国人或者外国组织,在项目提名、评审、授 予等方面,给予与本省的中国公民或者组织同等待遇。省国际科学技术合作奖不设等级,可空缺。

Article 33Foreigners or foreign organizations shall be encouraged to participate in scientific and technological activities in Hainan and to carry out exchanges and cooperation with Chinese citizens or organizations in the terms of talents, technologies and projects. Eligible foreigners or foreign organizations in Hainan shall be equally treated as Chinese citizens or organizations in terms of the nomination, evaluation and granting of projects. The International Science and Technology Cooperation Award of Hainan are not graded and may be left vacant.

第三章 评审组织

Chapter III Evaluation Organization

第三十四条 省科学技术奖励委员会的主要职责是:

Article 34The main duties of the Provincial Science and Technology Award Committee are:


(I) Review the evaluation results of the Professional (Discipline) Evaluation Teams;

(二)对省科学技术奖的提名、评审和异议处理工作进行监 督和指导;

(II) Supervise and instruct the nomination and evaluation of the provincial science and technology awards and the handling of objections;

(三)负责省科学技术奖励工作的宏观管理,为完善省科学 技术奖励工作提供政策性意见和建议;

(III) Undertake the macro management of the science and technology awards, and provide advices and recommendations on relevant policies to improve the work concerning the provincial science and technology awards of Hainan;


(IV) Study and resolve other major issues arising from the evaluation of provincial science and technology awards.

第三十五条 省科学技术奖励委员会委员25—29人,设主任委员1人、副主任委员2-3人。省科学技术奖励委员会委员由科技、教育、经济等领域的专家、学者和行政部门领导组成。省科 学技术奖励委员会实行聘任制,每届任期 3年,原则上连续任期不得超过两届。

Article 35The Provincial Science and Technology Award Committee has 25-29 members, with one Chairman and 2-3 vice-chairmen. Members of the Provincial Science and Technology Award Committee consists of experts and scholars in the fields of science, technology, education and economy, as well as the heads of administrative departments. The Provincial Science and Technology Award Committee shall adopt an appointment system, with the term of office being three years, and no one in the committee can serve for more than two consecutive terms.

省科学技术奖励委员会委员工作调整,由其单位推荐新人 选,经省科学技术行政部门报省人民政府批准。

In case any member of the Provincial Science and Technology Award Committee need to resign, the employer of such member shall nominate new candidates, and such nomination shall be reported to the People's Government of Hainan for approval.

第三十六条 奖励办公室拟定评审工作方案,经省科学技术行政部门审定后,报省科学技术奖励委员会主任委员批准。

Article 36The Committee Office shall draw up an evaluation plan, and submit it to the Provincial Science and Technology Administration for review, and finally to the Chairman of the Provincial Science and Technology Award Committee for approval.

第三十七条 根据评审工作需要,省科学技术行政部门委托省外第三方评估机构设立若干个专业(学科)评审组,对候选项 目、候选人(组织)进行评审。

Article 37To meet the needs of the evaluation work, the Provincial Science and Technology Administration may entrust a third-party evaluation agency that is located outside Hainan to set up several Professional (Discipline) Evaluation Teams to evaluate candidate projects and candidate individuals (organizations).

第三十八条 专业(学科)评审组的主要职责是:

Article 38The main duties of the Professional (Discipline) Evaluation Teams are:


I. Evaluate candidate projects (individuals) that pass the formal review in a way combining quantitative and qualitative evaluations;

二、推荐省自然科学奖、省技术发明奖、省科学技术进步奖 获奖候选项目(人)及等级,推荐省国际科学技术合作奖获奖候选项目(人);

II. Nominate candidate projects (individuals) and rewarding grades for Provincial Natural Science Award, Provincial Technological Invention Award, and Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award, and candidate projects (individuals) for International Science and Technology Cooperation Award.


III. Write the evaluation opinions.


Article 39The third-party evaluation institution located outside Hainan, which is entrusted by Provincial Science and Technology Administration, shall randomly select the experts of the Professional (Discipline) Evaluation Team from the pool of experts, based on the specific circumstances of the nominated projects in that year, with the annual rotation rate of such experts being no less than 30%. Each Professional (Discipline) Evaluation Team shall have one Team Leader, one Deputy Team Leader and several members.

第四十条 评审专家应该具备以下基本条件:

Article 40The evaluation experts shall meet the following basic requirements:

(一)公正诚信,廉洁自律,具有良好的科研信用和职业道 德;

(I) Be Impartial, honest and self-discipline, with good scientific credibility and high professional ethics;

(二)具有正高级专业技术职称,在相关领域具有深厚的学 术造诣、较强的分析判断能力和重要影响力,熟悉相关领域或者 行业的技术研发、成果转化及国内外科技创新与产业发展动态, 熟悉相关法律法规、政策规范;

(II) Hold a senior professional and technical title, have profound academic attainments, strong analytical and judgmental abilities and significant influence in the relevant fields, be familiar with the technological research and development, the transformation of scientific and technological results and the scientific and technological innovation and industrial development in China and abroad in the relevant fields or industries, and know relevant laws, regulations, policies and norms;


(III) Keep healthy, be no older than 65 years of age in principle, and have sufficient time and energies to complete the various tasks involved in the evaluation of scientific and technological awards.

(四)不存在学术道德问题,没有科技信用及违纪违法等不 良记录。

(IV) Have no academic ethics problems and no adverse records in terms of scientific and technological activities.

第四十一条 省科学技术奖励委员会委员、专业(学科)评审组成员和相关工作人员应当对候选人和候选单位所完成项目的 技术内容和评审情况严格保密。

Article 41The members of the Provincial Science and Technology Award Committee and of the Professional (Discipline) Evaluation Team together with relevant staff shall keep strictly confidential the technical contents and evaluation results of the projects completed by the candidates and candidate organizations.

第四章 提名和受理

Chapter IV Nomination and Acceptance

第四十二条 奖励办法第十四条所称“提名者”指提名单位或者专家。

Article 42The “nominator” under Article 14 of the Measures refers to the nominating organization or experts.

第四十三条 奖励办法第十四条第(三)款所称“专家学者” 指具有正高级专业技术职称的人员;“组织机构”指省政府直属机构、直属事业单位、部门管理机构、中央驻琼单位及其他特定的 机关、企事业单位等。

Article 43 The “experts and scholars” under Article 14 of the Measures shall refer to personnel holding senior professional and technical titles; the “institutions” refer to organizations and public institutions directly under the People’s Government of Hainan Province, administration authorities, Branches of Central Government in Hainan, as well as other specific organs, enterprises and institutions.

第四十四条 国家最高科学技术奖获奖人每年度每人可提名1项(名)所熟悉专业的省科学技术奖;中国科学院院士、中国工程院院士每年度可2人以上共同提名1项(名)所熟悉专业的省科学技术奖;在海南全职工作的正高级职称专家每年度可3人以上共同提名1项(名)所熟悉专业的省科学技术奖。每位专家每年度只能提名1项(名)省科学技术奖。提名专家执行回避原则,不能提名本人、本单位项目(人)。

Article 44Each winner of the Top National Award for Science and Technology may be nominated for one provincial science and technology award in one familiar field every year; 2 or more academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering may be nominated for one provincial science and technology award in one familiar field every year; 3 or more experts with senior titles working full-time in Hainan may be nominated for one provincial science and technology award in one familiar field every year. Each expert may be nominated only one (1) Provincial Science and Technology Award every year. The nominated experts shall nominate themselves or the projects (personnel) of their employers in the recusal principle.

第四十五条 提名者必须按照省科学技术行政部门规定的提名条件和程序进行提名,明确提名项目的等级,并征得项目候选 单位和候选人的同意,签署诚信承诺书,对提名材料的真实性和 准确性负责,在提名、答辩和异议处理等工作中承担相应责任。

Article 45Nominators shall nominate in accordance with the nomination conditions and procedures stipulated by the Provincial Science and Technology Administration, specify the prize grades of the nominated projects, obtain the consent of the candidate organizations and candidates, sign an undertaking of good faith, be responsible for the truthfulness and accuracy of the nomination materials, and assume corresponding responsibilities in the nomination, defense and objection handling processes.

被提名项目的候选单位(候选人)应将项目的名称、项目简 介、知识产权、论文、主要完成单位与完成人员对项目的创造性 贡献等内容在本单位公示 7个工作日,无异议或者异议解除后方能提名。

The candidate organizations (individuals) of the nominated project should disclose project name, project profile, intellectual property rights, thesis, the contribution of the main accomplishers (organizations and individuals) to the originality of the projects for 7 working days. The nomination can be made only if there is no objection is raised or all objections have been lifted.

第四十六条 申报省自然科学奖、省技术发明奖、省科学技术进步奖的候选项目,应当是本省单位或者个人为第一完成单位或者第一完成人的研究开发成果。

Article 46Candidate projects to be applied for the Provincial Natural Science Award, the Provincial Technological Invention Award and the Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award should be the research and development achievements of the first accomplisher (organizations or individuals) located in Hainan.

第四十七条 各级人民政府及其所属部门、其它列入公务员法实施范围的机关、参照公务员法管理的机关(单位)不得提名 为省科学技术奖候选单位。

Article 47The people's governments at all levels and their departments, other organs included in the implementation scope of the Civil Servant Law, and organs (organizations) governed by reference to the Civil Servant Law, shall not be nominated as candidates for the provincial science and technology awards.

国家公务员以及参照公务员法管理的人员,在科学研究和技 术开发项目中仅从事组织管理或者辅助性工作的人员不得提名为 省科学技术奖候选人。

Civil servants and personnel subject to the Civil Servant Law, who are only engaged in organizational management or auxiliary work in scientific research and technology development projects, shall not be nominated as candidates for the provincial science and technology awards.

第四十八条 凡存在知识产权以及项目完成单位、完成人员等方面争议并正处于诉讼、仲裁或者行政裁决、行政复议程序中 的,在争议未解决前不得提名省科学技术奖评审。

Article 48Where there is a dispute over intellectual property rights and project accomplisher (organizations or individuals) and such dispute is in litigation, arbitration or administrative ruling, administrative reconsideration procedures, no one involved shall be nominated for the provincial science and technology awards.

第四十九条 法律、行政法规规定必须取得有关许可证的项目,如动植物新品种、食品、药品、农药、基因工程技术和产品 等,未获得主管行政机关批准,不得提名参加省科学技术奖的评 审。

Article 49Projects that are required by laws and administrative regulations to obtain relevant licenses, for new varieties of animals and plants, food, drugs, pesticides, genetic engineering technologies and products, shall not be nominated for the provincial science and technology awards without the approval of the competent administrative authorities.

第五十条 同一个人同一年度只能作为一个提名项目的完成人;同一技术内容不得在同一年度重复提名参加省自然科学奖、 省技术发明奖和省科学技术进步奖的评审。

Article 50One person can only be the accomplisher of one nominated project in one year. Identical contents shall not be nominated repeatedly for the Provincial Natural Science Award, the Provincial Technological Invention Award and the Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award within one year.

第五十一条 同一技术内容的项目已获得国家或者省部级奖励的,不得再提名省科学技术奖的评审;已在国家或者省部级授奖项目中使用的创新要点、知识产权、论文、标准等成果,不允许 重复使用。

Article 51Projects that has won the national or provincial awards, shall not be nominated for the provincial science and technology awards with the same contents. Innovation points, intellectual property rights, papers, standards and other achievements, which have been used in projects granted with national or provincial awards, shall not be used repeatedly.

第五十二条 涉及国防、国家安全等不能公开的,不得提名参加省科学技术奖的评审。

Article 52Any project related national defense or national security shall not be disclosed for the evaluation of the provincial science and technology awards.

第五十三条 经两年评定未授奖的候选项目或者候选人,如果再次以相关项目技术内容提名须隔一年进行。

Article 53Candidate projects or candidates that haven’t been granted with any award for two years, shall be nominated at an interval of one year if nominated with the same technical contents.

第五十四条 提名者应当在规定的时间内提交提名书及相关材料。省科学技术行政部门负责对提名材料进行形式审查。

Article 54Nominators shall submit the nominations and related materials within the prescribed time. The Provincial Science and Technology Administration shall be responsible for the formal review of nomination materials.

第五十五条 省科学技术行政部门应当在其官方网站及省级媒体上对形式审查的结果进行受理公示,公示期为7个工作日。

Article 55The Provincial Science and Technology Administration shall disclose the formal review results on its official website and provincial media for 7 working days.

第五十六条 候选人、候选单位及其项目经省科学技术行政部门形式审查公示后要求退出评审的,由提名者以书面形式向省 科学技术行政部门提出。经批准退出评审的,如再次以相关项目 技术内容提名省科学技术奖,须隔一年以上进行。

Article 56If candidates, candidate organizations and their projects need to withdraw from the evaluation process after the formal review and public disclosure by the Provincial Science and Technology Administration, the nominator shall propose such withdrawal to the Provincial Science and Technology Administration in writing. After withdrawing from the evaluation process, the candidates, candidate organizations and their projects shall be nominated at an interval of one year if nominated with the same technical contents.

第五章 评审

Chapter V Evaluation

第五十七条 省科学技术奖实行专业(学科)评审组评审和省奖励委员会审定制度。

Article 57The candidates for the provincial science and technology awards shall be subject to the evaluation by the Professional (Discipline) Evaluation Group and the Committee.

第五十八条 省科学技术行政部门委托省外第三方评估机构组织专业(学科)评审组,对形式审查合格的候选项目采取定量 和定性评价相结合的方式进行评审。

Article 58The Provincial Science and Technology Administration entrusts a third-party evaluation agency located outside Hainan to organize the Professional (Discipline) Evaluation Team to evaluate the candidate projects that pass the formal review by both quantitative and qualitative evaluations.

第五十九条 省专业(学科)评审组评审专家认真审阅候选项目(人)材料,采取记名投票方式进行投票,推荐省自然科学奖、省技术发明奖、省科学技术进步奖特等奖、一等奖、二等奖、 三等奖和省国际科学技术合作奖候选项目(人)。

Article 59The experts in the Professional (Discipline) Evaluation Teams shall carefully review the materials of candidate projects (individuals), cast open votes, and recommend candidate projects (individuals) for the Grand Prize, the First Prize, the Second Prize and the Third Prize pf the Provincial Natural Science Award, Provincial Technological Invention Award, Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award, and also for the International Science and Technology Cooperation Award.

第六十条 省科学技术行政部门应当在其官方网站及省级媒体上公示专业(学科)评审组推荐的候选人、候选单位及项目, 公示期为 10个工作日。

Article 60The Provincial Science and Technology Administration shall disclose the candidates, candidate organizations and projects recommended by the Professional (Discipline) Evaluation Teams on its official website and provincial media for 10 working days.

第六十一条 对省专业(学科)评审组推荐且没有异议或者异议在规定时间内处理完毕的候选项目或者候选人,提交省科学 技术奖励委员会进行审定。必要时,奖励办公室可以组织省科学 技术奖有关评审专家对候选项目(人)进行实地考察。

Article 61The candidate projects and candidates recommended by Professional (Discipline) Evaluation Teams, where no objection is raised within the public disclosure period or all objections raised have been dealt within the specified time, shall be submitted to Provincial Science and Technology Award Committee for evaluation. If necessary, The Committee Office may organize evaluation experts of the provincial science and technology awards to pay a site visit to candidate projects (individual).

第六十二条 省科学技术奖励委员会委员对专业(学科)评审组推荐的候选项目(人)评审材料进行审阅,并听取推荐省自然科学奖、省技术发明奖、省科学技术进步奖特等奖、一等奖、二等奖和省国际科学技术合作奖候选项目负责人汇报,经答辩后, 采取记名投票方式,确定拟授奖项目(人)。

Article 62The Provincial Science and Technology Award Committee shall review the information on the candidate projects (individual) recommended by Professional (Discipline) Evaluation Teams, listen to the reports of the principal of the candidate projects for the Grand Prize, the First Prize, the Second Prize and the Third Prize pf the Provincial Natural Science Award, Provincial Technological Invention Award, Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award as well as the International Science and Technology Cooperation Award, cast open vote after the defense of candidates, and finally determine the projects (individuals) to be granted with awards.

第六十三条 省科学技术奖专业(学科)评审组、省科学技术奖励委员会对进入评审的候选项目按提名的等级进行投票,落 选项目不能进入到非提名等级投票(即不能跨等级投票)。

Article 63Professional (Discipline) Evaluation Teams and the Provincial Science and Technology Award Committee will cast votes on the candidate projects for the nominated prize grade, and failing projects shall not be voted for non-nominated prize grade (in other words, no cross-grade voting is allowed).

第六十四条 省科学技术奖的评审表决规则如下:

Article 64The rules for the evaluation and voting of the provincial science and technology awards are as follows.

(一)省科学技术奖专业(学科)评审组采取通讯评审、会 议评审等形式进行,由评审专家根据相关规则和评价指标体系, 通过评估、投票等方式产生评审结果。

(I) The Professional (Discipline) Evaluation Teams shall evaluate the candidates by communication, conference, etc. The evaluation experts shall decide the evaluation results through evaluation and voting according to the relevant rules and evaluation criteria.


(II) The Provincial Science and Technology Award Committee shall hold meetings to review the evaluation results of the Professional (Discipline) Evaluation Teams and decide the final result by open votes.

(三)省科学技术奖励委员会及专业(学科)评审组的评审 表决应当有三分之二以上(含三分之二)委员(成员)参加,表 决结果有效;

(III) The voting results are valid only when two-thirds (inclusive) or more of the members of Provincial Science and Technology Award Committee and the Professional (Discipline) Evaluation Teams are present on the voting meeting.

(四)省自然科学奖、省技术发明奖、省科学技术进步奖的 特等奖、一等奖以及省国际科学技术合作奖应当由到会委员(成 员)的三分之二以上(含三分之二)通过;二等奖、三等奖应当 由到会委员(成员)的二分之一以上(不含二分之一)通过。

(IV) The final evaluation results of the Grand Prize and the First Prize of Provincial Natural Science Award, the Provincial Technological Invention Award, and the Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award, as well as that of the Provincial International Science and Technology Cooperation Award, shall be passed by two-thirds (inclusive) or more of the members of Provincial Science and Technology Award Committee and the Professional (Discipline) Evaluation Teams, who are present at the voting meeting. The final evaluation results of the Second Prize and the Third Prize of Provincial Natural Science Award, the Provincial Technological Invention Award, and the Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award shall be passed by a half (exclusive) or more of the present members.

第六十五条 省科学技术奖评审实行回避制度。凡有下列情形之一可能影响评审公正性的提名专家、评审专家、奖励委员会 委员,应当主动提出回避,且当年全程不得参加奖励评审活动:

Article 65The evaluation of provincial science and technology awards shall adopt a recusal system. Any nominating expert, evaluation expert or any member of the Provincial Science and Technology Award Committee who may affect the impartiality of the evaluation in any of the following circumstances shall not participate in the evaluation activities of the relevant project throughout the year:


(I) He or she is the accomplisher of the project being evaluated;


(II) He or she is the nominating expert for the project being evaluated;


(III) He or she is the relative (such as parent, child, spouse, brother, sister, etc.) of the accomplisher of the project being evaluated;


(IV) He or she has other interests in the accomplisher of the project being evaluated.

第六十六条省科学技术行政部门应当在其官方网站及省级媒体上公示通过省科学技术奖励委员会审定的候选人、候选单位 及项目,公示期为 10个工作日。

Article 66The Provincial Science and Technology Administration shall disclose the candidates, candidate organizations and projects decided by the Provincial Science and Technology Award Committee on its official website and provincial media for 10 working days.

第六十七条 省自然科学奖、省技术发明奖和省科学技术进步奖每年奖励项目总数不超过当年提名项目总数的45%,其中,一等奖不超过当年提名项目总数的12%、特等奖项目不超过2项;省国际科学技术合作奖每年授奖项目数额不超过3项。具体各奖种等级的比例在评审工作方案体现。

Article 67The number of projects granted with the Provincial Natural Science Award, the Provincial Technological Invention Award and the Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award each year shall not exceed 45% of the total nominated projects, among which the number of projects granted with the First Prize shall not exceed 12% of the total nominated projects, the number of projects granted with the Grand Prize shall not exceed 12, and the numbers of projects granted with the Provincial International Science and Technology Cooperation Award shall not exceed 3 each year. The proportions of each prize grade shall be detailed in the Evaluation Plan.

第六章 异议处理

Chapter VI Handling of Objections

第六十八条 省科学技术奖励接受社会监督,省科学技术奖的评审实行异议制度。任何单位或者个人对省科学技术奖候选人、 候选单位、候选项目及提名材料真实性持有异议的,应当在公示期内向省科学技术行政部门或者奖励办公室提出,逾期不予受理。

Article 68The provincial science and technology awards shall be subject to social supervision, and the evaluation of the provincial science and technology awards shall be subject to an objection system. Any organization or individual that has objections to the authenticity of the candidates, candidate organizations, candidate projects and nomination materials for the provincial science and technology awards shall raise an objection to the Provincial Science and Technology Administration or the Committee Office during the public disclosure period, or otherwise, the objections will not be accepted.

第六十九条 提出异议的单位或者个人(以下简称异议者) 应当提供书面异议材料,并提供必要的证明材料。以单位名义提 出异议的,应当加盖本单位公章;个人提出异议的,应当在异议 材料上签署真实姓名及联系方式。以匿名方式提出的异议不予受 理。

Article 69The organization or individual raising the objection (hereinafter referred to as the “Objector”) shall provide written materials and the necessary supporting documents If the objection is made in the name of the organization, the official seal of the organization shall be affixed; if the objection is made in the name of an individual, the real name and contact information shall be signed on the objection material. All anonymous objections will not be accepted

第七十条 异议者不得擅自将异议材料直接提交评审组织或者其委员;评审组织或者其委员收到异议材料的,应当及时转交 奖励办公室,不得提交评审组织讨论或者转发其他委员。

Article 70The Objector shall not submit the objection materials directly to the evaluation organization or its members without authorization. Upon the receipt of such materials, the evaluation organization or its members shall forward them to the Committee Office in time, but shall not submit it to the evaluation organization for discussion or forward it to other members.

第七十一条 奖励办公室收到异议材料后应当进行审查,对符合规定并能提供充分证据的异议,应予受理。

Article 71After receiving the objection material, the Committee Office shall review them and accept those objections that are provided with sufficient evidences and meet relevant requirements.

第七十二条 为维护异议者的合法权益,省科学技术行政部门、奖励办公室、提名者、工作人员,以及其他参与异议调查、处理的有关人员应当对异议者的身份予以保密;确实需要公开的, 应当事先征求异议者的意见。

Article 72In order to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the Objector, the Provincial Natural Science Award Administration, the Committee Office, the nominator, the staff and other relevant personnel involved in the investigation and processing of the objection shall keep confidential the identity of the Objector. If it is really necessary to make it public, the prior consent of the Objector shall be obtained.

第七十三条 涉及候选人、候选单位所完成项目的创新性、先进性、实用性及提名材料真实性等内容的异议由奖励办公室负 责审核,由提名者协助。提名者在接到协助审核异议通知后,应 当在规定的时间内调查、核实异议材料,并将情况报送奖励办公 室审核。必要时,奖励办公室可以组织奖励委员会委员和技术专 家进行调查,提出处理意见。

Article 73Any objection involving the originality, advancement, practicality and authenticity of the nomination materials of the projects completed by the candidates and candidate organizations shall be reviewed by the Committee Office, with the assistance of the nominator. Upon receipt of a notice of assistance in reviewing an objection, the nominator shall investigate and verify the objection materials and submit the result to the Committee Office for review within the specified time period. If necessary, the Committee Office may organize members of the Measures Committee and technical experts to conduct an investigation and provide opinions on the handing of the objection.

涉及候选人、候选单位及其排序的异议,由奖励办公室通知提名者协调处理,提名者提出初步处理意见报送奖励办公室审核, 并提出处理意见。涉及跨部门的异议处理,由奖励办公室协调, 相关提名者协助,提出处理意见。

Any objection involving candidates, candidate organizations and their ranking shall be coordinated by the Committee Office by notifying the nominator, who shall give a preliminary report to the Committee Office for review, and provide opinions on the handing of the objection. Any objection involving cross-sectoral issues will be coordinated by the Committee Office, and the nominator concerned shall assist and provide opinions on the handing of the objection.

奖励办公室应当将异议核查情况及处理意见报省科学技术 行政部门审定后报省科学技术奖励委员会决定,并将决定意见书面反馈异议方和提名者。

The Committee Office shall report the verification results concerning the objection and the opinions on the handing of the objection to the Provincial Science and Technology Administration for approval and then to the Provincial Science and Technology Award Committee for decision, and provide written feedback to the Objector and the nominator.

第七十四条 异议处理过程中,涉及异议的任何一方应当积极配合,不得推诿和延误。候选人、候选单位在规定时间内未按 要求提供相关证明材料的,视为承认异议内容;异议者在规定时 间内未按要求提供相关证明材料的,视为放弃异议。

Article 74During the handling processing of an objection, any party involved in the objection shall cooperate actively without prevarication or delay. Candidates and candidate organizations that do not provide relevant supporting materials as required within the specified time shall be deemed to have acknowledged the content of the objection; and the Objectors who do not provide relevant supporting materials as required within the specified time shall be deemed to have abandoned their objections.

形式审查公示期间的异议在公示期截止后30日内处理完毕的,可以提交本年度评审;逾期未处理完毕的,不提交省专业(学 科)评审组评审。

If objections raised during the public disclosure period for the formal review are solved within 30 days after the closing of the public disclosure period, the objected project (individuals) can be submitted for evaluation in the current year, or otherwise, shall not be submitted to the Professional (Discipline) Evaluation Team.


If objections raised during the public disclosure period for the evaluation of Professional (Discipline) Evaluation Team are solved within 30 days after the closing of the public disclosure period, the objected project (individuals) can be submitted to the Committee for evaluation, or otherwise, shall not be submitted to the Committee.

省奖励委员会评审公示期间的异议在公示期截止后30日内处理完毕的,可以报省政府批准;逾期未处理完毕的,取消被异 议项目(人)当年获奖资格。

If objections raised during the public disclosure period for the evaluation of the Committee are solved within 30 days after the closing of the public disclosure period, the objected project (individuals) may be submitted to the People’s Government of Hainan Province for approval, or otherwise, the objected project (individuals) will be disqualified for the awards of that year.

在形式审查、省专业(学科)评审组评审、省奖励委员会评 审公示期间截止后超过 30日,但在一年内处理完毕的,可以提交下一年度评审;在公示期截止后一年内未处理完毕的,可以重新 提名。

If objections raised during the public disclosure period for the formal review, the evaluation of evaluation of Professional (Discipline) Evaluation Teams and the evaluation of the Committee are not solved within 30 days after the closing of the public disclosure period but within one year after the closing of the public disclosure period, the objected project (individuals) may be submitted for the evaluation of the following year. If such objections are not solved within one year, the objected project (individuals) may be renominated.

第七章 批准和授予

Chapter VII Approval and Award Granting

第七十五条 省科学技术行政部门对省科学技术奖励委员会审定的拟授奖项目、单位、人选及等级的结果进行审核,按程序 报省人民政府批准。

Article 75The Provincial Science and Technology Administration shall review the evaluation results concerning the projects, organizations and individuals to be granted with awards and the prize grades to be granted, which are submitted Provincial Science and Technology Award Committee, and then submit them to the People’s Government of Hainan Province for approval in accordance with the procedures.

第七十六条 省自然科学奖、省技术发明奖和省科学技术进步奖由省人民政府颁发证书和奖金,省国际科学技术合作奖由省 人民政府颁发证书。

Article 76The certificates and prizes of the Provincial Natural Science Award, Provincial Technological Invention Award and Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award shall be granted by the People’s Government of Hainan Province, and the certificates of the Provincial International Science and Technology Cooperation Award shall be granted by the People’s Government of Hainan Province.

省科学技术奖是省政府授予个人或者组织的荣誉,授奖证书 不作为确定科学技术成果可能性的直接依据。

The Provincial Science and Technology Award is an honor bestowed by the People’s Government of Hainan Province on an individual or organization, and the relevant certificate shall not be used as a direct basis for determining the possibility of scientific and technological achievements.

第七十七条 省自然科学奖、省技术发明奖和省科学技术进步奖的奖金标准:特等奖20万元,一等奖10万元,二等奖5万元,三等奖3万元。奖金标准调整,由省科学技术行政部门会同省财政部门拟定,报省人民政府批准。

Article 77The prizes of the Provincial Natural Science Award, Provincial Technological Invention Award and Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award are: 200,000 yuan for the Grand Prize, 100,000 yuan for the First Prize, 50,000 yuan for the Second Prize and 30,000 yuan for the Third Prize. The adjustment to such prizes shall be determined by the Provincial Science and Technology Administration in conjunction with the Department of the Finance, and reported to the People’s Government of Hainan Province for approval.


The funds for the provincial science and technology awards are included in the provincial fiscal budget.

第八章 监督及处罚

Chapter VIII Supervision and Punishment

第七十八条 省科学技术奖励委员会设立省科学技术奖励工作监督小组(以下简称监督小组),负责对省科学技术奖的提名、评审、授予和异议处理等工作进行监督,对举报、投诉反映在评审活动中违反奖励办法及本细则等规定的单位和个人进行调查, 提出处理意见,经省科学技术行政部门审定后报省科学技术奖励委员会决定。监督小组成员的产生和组织管理由省科学技术行政部门根据《海南省科技监督员管理办法(试行)》提出,报省科学技术奖励委员会批准。

Article 78The Provincial Science and Technology Award Committee shall set up the Provincial Science and Technology Award Supervision Team (hereinafter referred to as the “Supervision Team”) responsible for supervising the nomination, evaluation, granting, objection handling and other work of the provincial science and technology awards. In addition, the Supervision Team shall investigate organizations and individuals that are reported or complained as having violated the Measures and these Rules during the evaluation process, provide handling opinions, and submit them to the Provincial Science and Technology Administration and then to Provincial Science and Technology Award Committee for decision. The generation and management of the members of the Supervision Team shall be proposed by the Provincial Science and Technology Administration in accordance with the Measures for the Administration of Science and Technology Supervisors in Hainan Province (For Trial Implementation) and reported to the Provincial Science and Technology Award Committee for approval.

第七十九条 任何单位和个人如发现在评审活动中存在违规违纪违法问题的,可以向监督小组举报和投诉。有关方面收到举 报或者投诉材料的,应当及时转交监督小组。

Article 79Any organization or individual that finds irregularities or violations in the evaluation activities may report and complain them to the Supervision Team. Any party receiving a report or complaint shall promptly refer it to the Supervision Team.

第八十条 对省科学技术奖获奖项目(人)的宣传应当客观、准确,不得以夸大、模糊宣传误导公众。获奖项目的应用不得损害国家利益、社会安全和人民健康。对违反规定,产生严重后果的,依法给予相应的处理。

Article 80The publicity of the provincial science and technology award-winning projects (individuals) shall be objective and accurate, and shall not mislead the public with exaggerated or vague publicity. The application of the awarded projects shall not harm national interests, social security and human health. Any failure in doing and causing serious consequences shall held liable in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

第八十一条 候选单位或者候选人剽窃、侵夺他人的发现、发明或者其他科学技术成果的,由省科学技术行政部门将其纳入 不良信用记录,向社会公布,并自公布之日起,5年内不得申报省科学技术奖。

Article 81Candidate organizations or individuals who plagiarize or usurp the discoveries, inventions or other scientific and technological achievements of others shall be included in the bad credit record by the Provincial Natural Science Award Administration, disclosed to the society, and prohibited from applying for any of the provincial science and technology awards within 5 years from the day of the public disclosure.

获奖者剽窃、侵夺他人的发现、发明及其他科学技术成果, 或者以其他不正当手段骗取省科学技术奖的,由省科学技术行政 部门报省人民政府批准后撤销奖励,追回奖励证书和奖金,将其 纳入不良信用记录,向社会公布,并自撤销奖励决定之日起,5年内不得申报省科学技术奖。

For any winner of any of the provincial science and technology awards plagiarize or usurp the discoveries, inventions or other scientific and technological achievements of others, or fraudulently obtain the provincial science and technology award by other improper means, the award will be revoked by the Provincial Science and Technology Administration with the approval of the People’s Government of Hainan Province, the certificate and prize money will be recovered. Relevant organizations or individuals will be included in the bad credit record, disclosed to the society, and prohibited from applying for any of the provincial science and technology awards within 5 years from the day of the revocation.

第八十二条 提名者提供虚假证据、材料,协助他人骗取省科学技术奖的,由省科学技术行政部门将其纳入不良信用记录, 向社会公布;情节严重的,取消其提名资格。

Article 82Any nominator who provides false evidences and materials to assist others to fraudulently obtain any of the provincial science and technology awards will be included in the bad credit record and disclosed to the public by the Provincial Science and Technology Administration, or even disqualified from any nomination procedure if the circumstances are serious.

第八十三条 省科学技术奖励委员会委员、评审专家、监督小组成员、奖励办公室人员及参与评审活动的工作人员,在奖励 活动中存在违反学术道德和评审纪律等行为,滥用职权、玩忽职 守、徇私舞弊、收受贿赂,或者有应当回避而未主动回避等其他 违法违规行为的,由省科学技术行政部门取消评审活动资格或者 责令停止参与评审、监督、核查、组织工作,记录不良信用,并 依法给予处分或者建议其主管单位依法处理。

Article 83Any of the members of Provincial Science and Technology Award Committee, evaluation experts, the members of the Supervision Team, the personnel of the Committee Office and staff involved in evaluation activities, who violates academic ethics and evaluation disciplines, abuses power, neglects duties, accepts bribes, fails to follow the recusal mechanism, or commits any other violations or illegal acts, shall be disqualified from all evaluation activities, stopped participating in the evaluation, supervision, verification and organization processes, included in the bad credit record, and held liable in accordance with applicable disciplines, laws and regulations.

第九章 附则

Chapter IX Supplementary Provisions

第八十四条 本细则由海南省科学技术行政部门负责解释。

Article 84These Rules shall be interpreted by the Provincial Science and Technology Administration of Hainan Province.

第八十五条 本细则自2021年5月22日起施行。

Article 85These Rules shall come in force from May 22, 2021.